WorkTo do the work that one does in all sincerity, as perfectly as one can, is certainly one of the best ways to serve the Divine.
Work is part of the Yoga and it gives the best opportunity for calling down the Presence, the Light and the Power into the vital and its activities; it increases also the field and the opportunity of surrender.
The one true reward of the works of love is to grow ever in capacity and delight of love up to the ecstasy of the spirit's all-seizing embrace and universal passion; the one reward of the works of right Knowledge is to grow perpetually into the infinite Light; the one reward of the works of right Power is to harbour more and more of the Force Divine, and of the works of purity to be freed more and more from egoism into that immaculate wideness where all things are transformed and reconciled into the divine equality. To seek other reward is to bind oneself to a foolishness and a childish ignorance; and to regard even these things as a reward is an unripeness and an imperfection.
Let us offer our work to the Divine, this is the sure way of progressing.
Acacia auriculiformis
Black wattle
Fragrant slender deep yellow catkins up to 10cm long; borne in pairs from the leaf axils. A small tree with coiled seed-pods and sickle- shaped leaves.
Picture Courtesy: Dinesh Valke
Works of Love
The best condition for work.
Impatiens walleriana
Patience plant, Sultana, Zanzibar balsam, Busy Lizzie
Small flat flower with a very narrow spur and five broad irregular overlapping petals that often have an iridescent sheen; in all shades except blue and yellow, often variegated; borne singly or in axillary or terminal racemes. A succulent perennial herb.
Photo Coueresy: Forest & Kim Starr
Cheerfulness in Work for the Divine
Work for the Divine and you will find an ineffable joy filling your being.
Coreopsis tinctoria
Small single or double compositae flower whose ray florets may be yellow, maroon red or bicoloured in yellow with brown or maroon red; borne in loose terminal panicles. A floriferous garden annual with very narrow leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Rl
Disinterested Work Done for the Divine
The surest way to progress.
Crinum lily, Spider lily, Swamp lily
Large fragrant white salverform flower with six narrow or broad partly recurved lobes, a long narrow green tube and prominent reddish-purple stamens; borne in umbels on long scapes. A large bulbous plant with straplike leaves.
Disinterested Work Done for the Divine in the Vital
Calm and powerful, it reaches its goal.
Crinum lily, Spider lily
Very large white salverform flower with long tapering fleshy recurved petal-like lobes, whitish above and reddish purple beneath, and six long erect reddish purple stamens; borne in umbels on long scapes. A bulbous plant with straplike leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Nipplerings72
Power Aspiring to become an Instrument for the Divine Work
Power, opening to a higher consciousness, awakens to the need of being at the service of the Divine.
Passiflora vitifolia
Passion flower
Large bright red flower with five separated pointed petals and five petal-like sepals, a central corona of red filaments that surround a cluster of white filaments and an elongated staminal column that ends in three red stigmas and five yellow green anthers; borne singly from the leaf axils. A moderately vigorous vine.
Photo Courtesy: Queerbubbles
Mahasaraswati’s Perfection in Works
It is not satisfied with makeshift.
Rondeletia odorata
Small bright orange or deep pink salverform flowers with a limb divided into six rounded lobes and a conspicuous yellow central ring; borne in cymes. A small loosely branched shrub.
Skill in Works
Must be used consciously.
Phlox drummondii
Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Small salverform flowers with a narrow tube and a flattened limb divided into five broad slightly overlapping lobes; in white, pale yellow and shades of red, pink and purple; borne in dense terminal clusters. A long-flowering garden annual.
Photo Courtesy: Gertrud K
Skill in Psychic Work
Listen silently to the command that comes from the Supreme Lord and you will have the capacity to carry it out.
Phlox drummondii
Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Small clear pink salverform flowers with a narrow tube and a flattened limb divided into five broad slightly overlapping lobes; borne in dense terminal clusters. A long-flowering garden annual.
Photo Courtesy: Talekinker
Skill in Mental Work
To know how to observe in silence is the source of its skillfulness.
Phlox drummondii
Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Small yellow salverform flowers with a narrow tube and a flattened limb divided into five broad slightly overlapping lobes; borne in dense terminal clusters. A long-flowering garden annual.
Photo Courtesy: fuentedelateja
Emotional Skill in Work
When work becomes attractive and is done with joy, how much better it is done.
Phlox drummondii
Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Small white salverform flowers with a mauve centre; with a narrow tube and a flattened limb divided into five broad slightly overlapping lobes; borne in dense terminal clusters. A long-flowering garden annual.
Photo Courtesy: Bitter Girl
Skill in Vital Work
The seat of all capacities and all skills, which have only to be disciplined in order to be realised.
Phlox drummondii
Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Small purple to mauve salverform flowers with a narrow tube and a flattened limb divided into five broad slightly overlapping lobes; borne in dense terminal clusters. A long-flowering garden annual.
Photo Courtesy: Nipplerings72
Physical Skill in Work
Skillful hands, a clear vision, a concentrated attention, an untiring patience and what one does is done well.
Phlox drummondii
Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Small carmine red salverform flowers with a narrow tube and a flattened limb divided into five broad slightly overlapping lobes; borne in dense terminal clusters. A long-flowering garden annual.
Photo Courtesy: Fairy Whispers
Skill in Material Work
Skillful hands, precise care, a sustained attention and one compels matter to obey the spirit.
Phlox drummondii
Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Small brigt red salverform flowers with a narrow tube and a flattened limb divided into five broad slightly overlapping lobes; borne in dense terminal clusters. A long-flowering garden annual.
Photo Courtesy: Jmtimages
Skill in Integral Work
All that is done is done well, whatever the work undertaken.
Phlox drummondii
Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Small white salverform flowers with a narrow tube and a flattened limb divided into five broad slightly overlapping lobes; borne in dense terminal clusters. A long-flowering garden annual.
Photo Courtesy: Sunship_98
Artistic Work
Work at the service of beauty.
Phlox drummondii
Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Small very light pink salverform flowers with indented petals; with a narrow tube and a flattened limb divided into five broad slightly overlapping lobes; borne in dense terminal clusters. A long-flowering garden annual.
Photo Courtesy: Gertrud K.
Radiating Skill in Work
When the instruments of work (hands, eyes etc.) become conscious and the attention is controlled, the capacity for work seems to be limitless.
Phlox drummondii
Annual phlox, Drummond phlox
Small salverform flowers with a central star and fringed petals; with a narrow tube and a flattened limb divided into five broad slightly overlapping lobes; in white, pale yellow and shades of red, pink and purple; borne in dense terminal clusters. A long-flowering garden annual.
Photo Courtesy: Dinesh Valke
Perfect Planning of Work
Can only be obtained with the consciousness of the Divine.
Clerodendrum inerme
Indian privet
Small white salverform flower with a very thin corolla tube, five rounded separated lobes and conspicuous pinkish purple exserted stamens; borne singly or in clusters of two or three from the leaf axils. A shrub with bright green oval leaves, usually grown as a hedge.
Photo Courtesy: Plj.johnny
Organised Team-Work
Each in his place and all together.
Averrhoa carambola
Carambola tree, Starfruit
Tiny mildly fragrant rose purple flowers with five acutely recurved petals edged in white; borne in short dense axillary and terminal panicles. A small tree with edible fruit.
Picture Courtesy: Vairoj
Perfect Working of the Mind
Can happen when the mind is determined exclusively to fulfill its role.
Trachymene coerulea
Blue lace flower
Tiny blue or light lavender blue flowers with unequal petals; borne in small dense umbels. An annual herb with hairy leaves divided into linear segments.
Psychic Work
A work governed by harmony.
Cassia javanica
Pink shower, Rainbow shower; Apple-blossom cassia
Small fragrant five- petalled flowers with curving exserted star that open deep pink and fade to white; borne in large dense rounded clusters; a spreading tree.
Success in Supramental Work
The result of a patient labour and perfect consecration.
Cochlospermum religiosum
Silk-cotton tree. Yellow silk-cotton tree
Medium-sized golden yellow saucer-shaped flower with five petals and a prominent centre of numerous curving yellow stamens shaded red at the base; borne in few-flowered panicles . A small tree with deeply lobed leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Toptropicals
Working of the Enlightened Mind
It is very powerful in leading the being to the Divine and can be very useful for progress.
Crataeva Adansonii [Crataeva Nurvala; Crataeva Religiosa]
Caper tree
Medium-sized fragrant flowers, opening white and turning cream with age, composed of numerous long stamens surrounded on one side by four oval petals; clustered in short racemes along the leafless branches. A small to medium-sized deciduous tree.