Quiet Mind
The best way to learn.
Nerium oleander
Oleander, Rosebay
Sweetly fragrant single white salverform flower with five separated petals, with a delicate fringed corona; borne in loose cymes. A prolific flowering shrub with stiff lanceolate leaves.
Quietness Established in the Mind
The essential condition for its transformation.
Nerium oleander
Oleander, Rosebay
Sweetly fragrant single white salverform flower with elongated petals, with a delicate fringed corona; borne in loose cymes. A prolific flowering shrub with stiff lanceolate leaves.
Perfect Quietness in the Mind
Essential condition for true progress.
Nerium oleander
Oleander, Rosebay
Sweetly fragrant double white salverform flower with five separated petals, with a delicate fringed corona; borne in loose cymes. A prolific flowering shrub with stiff lanceolate leaves.
Quite Strength in the Vital
Does not like to attract attention.
Tradescantia zebrina [Zebrina pendula]
Wandering Jew, Inch plant
Tiny magenta pink three-petalled flower set in two opposite horizontal unequal bracts that are green with a dark green central stripe and dull purple on the reverse; borne singly. A trailing perennial succulent herb with metallic green leaves that have purple edges and a purple central stripe, and turn dark green with age.
Photo Courtesy: Ruestz