Quiet Mind

The best way to learn.

Nerium oleander
Oleander, Rosebay
Sweetly fragrant single white salverform flower with five separated petals, with a delicate fringed corona; borne in loose cymes. A prolific flowering shrub with stiff lanceolate leaves.

Photo Courtesy: Winged Photography

Quietness Established in the Mind
The essential condition for its transformation.

Nerium oleander
Oleander, Rosebay
Sweetly fragrant single white salverform flower with elongated petals, with a delicate fringed corona; borne in loose cymes. A prolific flowering shrub with stiff lanceolate leaves.

Photo Courtesy: Forest & Kim Starr

Perfect Quietness in the Mind
Essential condition for true progress.

Nerium oleander
Oleander, Rosebay
Sweetly fragrant double white salverform flower with five separated petals, with a delicate fringed corona; borne in loose cymes. A prolific flowering shrub with stiff lanceolate leaves.

Photo Courtesy: Hovic

Quite Strength in the Vital
Does not like to attract attention.

Tradescantia zebrina [Zebrina pendula]
Wandering Jew, Inch plant
Tiny magenta pink three-petalled flower set in two opposite horizontal unequal bracts that are green with a dark green central stripe and dull purple on the reverse; borne singly. A trailing perennial succulent herb with metallic green leaves that have purple edges and a purple central stripe, and turn dark green with age.

Photo Courtesy: Ruestz