PurityThis is purity, to accept no other influence but only the influence of the Divine.
One is truly perfectly pure only when the whole being, in all its elements and all its movements, adheres fully and exclusively to the Divine Will. That is total purity. It does not depend on any moral or social law, any mental convention of any kind. It depends exclusively on this: when all the elements and all the movements of the being adhere exclusively and totally to the Divine Will.
What I call purity, the true purity, is not all those things that morality teaches: it is non-ego. There must be nothing but Him. Him not only because we have given Him everything and consecrated ourselves totally to Him (that is not enough), but Him because He has taken total possession of the human instrument.
True purity has a lovely fragrance.
Jasmine, Jessamine
All varieties of small single white salverform flowers with a slender tube and four to nine pointed or rounded lobes; the flowers are typically highly fragrant; borne in terminal or axillary cymes. Shrubs or vines.
Photo Courtesy: Gagan
Psychic Purity
The condition natural to the psychic.
Jasmine, Jessamine
Small semi double salverform flowers with a slender tube; the flowers are typically highly fragrant; borne in terminal or axillary cymes. Shrubs or vines.
Photo Courtesy: Fanghong
Integral Purity
The whole being is purified of the ego.
Jasminum sambac
Jasmine, Jessamine
Intensely fragrant fully double white roselike salverform flowers with a slender tube; the flowers are typically highly fragrant; borne in terminal or axillary cymes. Shrubs or vines.
Photo Courtesy: Scott.Zona
Divine Purity
It is happy just to be, in all simplicity.
Hippobroma longiflora [Isotoma longiflora, Laurentia longiflora]
Medium-sized pure white star-shaped salverform flower with a long slender corolla tube. A low perennial herb with poisonous milky sap and sharply dentate leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Dinesh Valke
Purity Arising from Perfect Consecration
If one lives only for the Divine and by the Divine, the result is perfect purity.
Lilium candidum
Annunciation lily, Easter lily, Madonna lily
Large fragrant waxy pearl white trumpet-shaped flower with gently recurved segments and prominent golden anthers; borne on tall many- flowered racemes. A bulbous perennial herb with lanceolate leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Maciek Godlewski
Power of Purity
Purity is the best of powers.
Convallaria majalis
Lily of the valley
Small fragrant waxy white nodding campanulate flowers borne in one-sided terminal racemes. A low perennial rhizomatous herb that forms dense masses.
Radiating Purity
It charms and fascinates. It makes all Nature fragrant.
Gardenia augusta [Jasminoides]
Jasmine, Cape jessamine
Medium to large highly fragrant single white salverform flower with a prominent yellow pistil and a long narrow corolla tube divided into six broad rounded petal-like lobes; borne singly among the leaves. A medium to large shrub with attractive glossy foliage.
Perfect Radiating Purity
Nothing escapes its action.
Gardenia augusta [Jasminoides]
Jasmine, Cape jessamine
Medium to large highly fragrant double white salverform flower with curling irregularly shaped petal-like lobes that radiate horizontally from the sturdy corolla tube; borne singly among the leaves. A medium to large shrub with attractive glossy foliage.
Photo Courtesy: Carl E Lewis
Purity in Action
When action is initiated by the Divine Will, it is pure.
Stemmadenia litoralis [Stemmadenia galleottiana]
Medium-sized delicate fragrant white salverform flower with five rounded overlapping lobes that form a pinwheel and a narrow yellow throat; borne in erect few-flowered clusters above the leaves. A small attractive flowering tree.
Stemmadenia litoralis [Stemmadenia galleottiana]
Medium-sized delicate fragrant white salverform flower with five rounded overlapping lobes that form a pinwheel and a narrow yellow throat; borne in erect few-flowered clusters above the leaves. A small attractive flowering tree.
Photo Courtesy: Forest & Kim Starr
Collective Purity
A very precious achievement, but difficult to obtain.
Viburnum plicatum
Japanese snowball
Very large compact globose clusters of small white five-petalled rotate flowers. A medium-sized shrub with spreading branches.
Photo Courtesy: KENPEI
Spring Purity
The charm and freshness of youth.
Hawthorn, Thorn, Thorn apple
Small white saucer-shaped flowers with five rounded petals; borne in dense clusters. Mostly thorny, very attractive ornamental shrubs or small trees growing in temperate climates
Photo Courtesy: Hedgerowmobile
Aspiration for Purity
Purity is perfect sincerity and one can obtain it only when the being is entirely consecrated to the Divine.
Peace lily, Spathe flower
Medium to large cream white to pale green leaflike spathe with a shorter erect white spadix arising from the base; borne singly on long stems. A rhizomatous perennial herb cultivated for its decorative foliage as well as its flowers.
Photo Courtesy: Rantz
Aspiration for Vital Purity
Delicate, modest, insistent.
Duranta erecta [Duranta repens]
Pigeon berry, Sky flower, Golden dewdrop
Tiny sweetly scented lavender salverform flower with a white centre, borne on small racemes. A large ornamental shrub or small tree.
Photo Courtesy: Forest & Kim Starr
First Appearance of Purity in the Inconscient
The sign that the inconscient is on the way to becoming conscious.
Plumbago zeylanica
Small white salverform flower with five widely separated lobes and a thin corolla tube, set in a conspicuous tubular green calyx covered with bristly hairs; borne in moderately dense spikes. A scandent evergreen shrub with somewhat angled stems.
Integrally Pure Thoughts
An effect of the Divine Grace
Viola X Wittrockiana
Pansy, Ladies' delight, Heart's ease, Stepmother's flower
Medium to large soft velvety cream yellow flower with five rounded irregularly overlapping petals; borne singly. A lovely low annual or short-lived perennial.
Photo Courtesy: audreyjm529
Light of the Purified Power
Irresistibly simple in its power consecrated solely to the Divine.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'Waimaea'
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose-of-China
Medium to large mildly fragrant single flower with long slender milk white petals that are separated and recurved, and bright orange anthers.
Photo Courtesy: yumievriwa
Mental Purity
A mirror that does not distort.
Tabernaemontana divaricata
Crape jasmine, Crape gardenia, Pinwheel flower, East Indian rosebay
Small single white salverform flower with five rotate lobes resembling a pinwheel, and a yellow centre; borne in compound clusters. A large handsome almost ever-blooming shrub with glossy dark green leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Himanshu Sarpotdar
Integral Mental Purity
Silent, attentive, receptive, concentrated on the Divine-such is the path of purity.
Tabernaemontana divaricata 'Flore-pleno'
Crape jasmine, Crape gardenia, Pinwheel flower, East Indian rosebay
Medium-sized slightly fragrant semi-double white salverform flower with curling slightly crinkled petal-like lobes. A medium-sized shrub with glossy leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Eric in SF
Perfect Mental Purity
A spotless mirror turned constantly towards the Divine.
Tabernaemontana divaricata 'Flore-pleno'
Crape jasmine, Crape gardenia, Pinwheel flower, East Indian rosebay
Medium-sized fragrant double white salverform flower with heavily crinkled petal-like lobes. A medium-sized shrub with glossy leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Himanshu Sarpotdar
Power of Integral Purity
The power of accepting only the Divine influence.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
- Small or large single white flower with long separated petals and a bright red or vermilion centre.
- Another form is also white with long separated petals but is medium-sized and has a bright red pinwheel centre.
Pure Sense of Beauty
Can be acquired only through a great sense of purification.
Ipomoea tricolor 'Heavenly Blue'
Morning glory
Large lovely translucent sky blue funnelform flower with a yellow throat; borne singly or in small clusters. An annual climber.
Photo Courtesy: Daryl Mitchell
Pure Spiritual Surrender
Candid, simple, spontaneous and complete in its multiplicity.
Rosa 'Prosperity'
Small very fragrant semi-double ivory white flower tinged with pink; borne in full pendulous sprays. A vigorous climber.
Purified Dynamic Life Energy
Superb, indomitable, all-powerful in its purity.
Dendranthema Xgrandiflorum [Chrysanthemum Xmorifolium]
Florists' chrysanthemum
Medium to large double compositae white flowers in a variety of forms with variously shaped ray florets; borne singly or in loose corymbs. A bushy perennial with aromatic leaves and flowers.
Photo Courtesy: Mshades
Purified Gold
It is purified by being placed at the service of the Divine.
Bauhinia acuminata
Dwarf white bauhinia
Medium-sized pure white saucer-shaped flower with five broad petals and conspicuous golden anthers; borne in very short racemes. A medium to large shrub with the camels-foot leaves; typical of the genus.
Picture Courtesy: Joydeep
Purified Mind
Mind ready to surrender to the Divine.
Thevetia peruviana
Yellow oleander, Be-still tree, Lucky nut
Medium-sized fragrant white narrow funnel- shaped flower with swirled petals; borne in few-flowered cymes. A large shrub or small tree with glossy linear lanceolate leaves and highly poisonous fruits.
Photo Courtesy: Dinesh Valke
Purified Senses
Can only be obtained by total surrender to the Truth.
Clitoria ternatea
Blue pea, Blue vine, Butterfly pea. Mussel-shell creeper, Pigeon wings
Medium-sized single papilionaceous flower that has a broad oval white central petal with a yellow centre and white wing petals; borne singly on a short stem. A slender perennial vine with beanlike pods.
Photo Courtesy: Djib
Purity in the Blood
Can only be obtained by the absence of desires.
Pimpinella major
Minute white flowers in small flat lacy umbels clustered together to form larger umbels. A tall ungainly annual herb with sparse pinnate leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Sriaurobindoashram.com
Purity in the Cells
Can only be obtained through the conquest of desires; the true condition for good health.
Shrub verbena
Tiny white salverform flowers in round compact axillary or terminal heads. A vigorous shrub with coarse strongly scented leaves and a long blooming season.
Purity in the Emotional Centre
Indispensable for progress.
Thunbergia fragrans
Medium-sized white salverform flower with a delicate limb divided into five somewhat spatulate lobes and a flattened corolla tube that arises from the side of two small light green bracts; borne singly. A light climber with lanceolate to triangular leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Dinesh Valke
Radiating Vital Purity
It is possible only through perfect consecration of the vital.
Strophanthus gratus
Climbing oleander
Medium-sized mildly fragrant salverform flower with a wide waxy maroon corolla tube, a corolla divided into five pale pink petal-like lobes blotched with lavender pink and a prominent lavender pink corona that turns rust with age; borne in terminal clusters. A winter-flowering scandent shrub with glossy leaves.
Sex centre Aspiring to be Purified
The awakening of the consciousness to a higher life.
Anthurium andreanum
Flamingo flower, Flamingo lily, Oilcloth flower
Firm waxy heart-shaped large to very large pink spathe and a prominent thick erect pink and white spadix; borne singly on a long stiff stem. A perennial herb with large leathery somewhat heart-shaped leaves.
Photo Courtesy: MP Roopesh
Purified Sex-Centre
Is transformed into a force for progress.
Anthurium andreanum
Flamingo flower, Flamingo lily, Oilcloth flower
Firm waxy heart-shaped large to very large white spathe and a prominent thick erect white spadix; borne singly on a long stiff stem. A perennial herb with large leathery somewhat heart-shaped leaves.
Photo Courtesy: Cliff1066
Vital Purity
It begins with the abolition of desires.
Duranta erecta [Duranta repens]
Pigeon berry, Sky flower, Golden dewdrop
Tiny sweetly scented white salverform flower; borne on small racemes. A large ornamental shrub or small tree.