OrganisationA clear and precise vision of what is to be done and a steady, calm sindfirm will to have it done are the essential conditions for an organisation to be run properly.
It is necessary to organise one's own affairs. . . . And those who can do this are usually people who can put their ideas in order and can also organise their character and finally can control their movements. . . . If one can take life in this way, it becomes truly interesting. If one lives in confusion, in disorder, in an inner and outer chaos in which everything is mixed up and one is conscious of nothing and still less in command of things, that is not living.
Indispensable for all good work.
PseuderanthemumSmall salverform flowers in a variety of colours with five rounded lobes, the upper two often (but not always) overlapped to appear almost as one lobe; borne in erect spikes. A small shrub with leaves often variegated or strongly coloured in maroon to dark purple.
Aspiration for Organisation
Clear and methodical, order at the expense of multiplicity.
White flower with a reddish purple centre and a few reddish purple dots on the lower central lobe; with five rounded lobes, the upper two often (but not always) overlapped to appear almost as one lobe; borne in erect spikes. A medium-sized shrub with narrow green lanceolate leaves.

Organisation in the Vital
Indispensable for all realisation.
White flower heavily overlaid with pink, streaked and spotted magenta with a magenta centre and corolla tube; with five rounded lobes, the upper two often (but not always)overlapped to appear almost as one lobe; borne in erect spikes. A medium-sized shrub with variegated leaves and purple on the reverse.
Material Organisation
Manifold and well-arranged in order to face difficulties.
Small white salverform flowers speckled with purplish red dots and a purplish red centre; with five rounded lobes, the upper two often (but not always)overlapped to appear almost as one lobe; borne in erect spikes. A small shrub with leaves often variegated or strongly coloured in maroon to dark purple.
Integral Organisation
Preliminary necessity for transformation.
PseuderanthemumSmall white salverform flowers with five rounded lobes, the upper two often (but not always)overlapped to appear almost as one lobe; borne in erect spikes. A small shrub with leaves often variegated or strongly coloured in maroon to dark purple.
Photo not available.
Organisation of Details
Indispensable for all lasting accomplishment.
Small white salverform flowers a reddish purple centre and a few reddish purple dots extending outward into the lobes; with five rounded lobes, the upper two often (but not always)overlapped to appear almost as one lobe; borne in erect spikes. A small shrub with leaves often variegated or strongly coloured in maroon to dark purple.

Result of Harmonious Organisation
More effective than showy. An effective simplicity.
White flower with reddish purple dots mostly towards the outer edge of the lobes, the lower central lobe heavily dotted reddish purple with a large maroon centre and a long corolla tube. A small herbaceous shrub with green ovate- lanceolate leaves.

Organised Team-Work
Each in his place and all together.
Averrhoa carambola
Carambola tree, Starfruit
Tiny mildly fragrant rose purple flowers with five acutely recurved petals edged in white; borne in short dense axillary and terminal panicles. A small tree with edible fruit.

Hygienic Organisation
Cleanliness, order, utility.
Moringa oleifera.
Horse-radish tree, Ben, Oil of Ben tree, Drum- stick tree
Small fragrant cream white flower with four lower recurved petals, an erect central petal behind the conspicuous yellow anthers and five white sepals that curve downward below the petals; borne in axillary panicles. A commonly cultivated small tree with rounded pinnate leaves and long narrow pods, used as a vegetable in an unripe state.

Mental Suggestions of Organisation
Abundant and clustered, a little dull.
Aglaia odorata
Chinese rice flower
Very tiny yellow sweet-scented globose flowers borne in axillary racemes. A large evergreen shrub that has glossy dark green pinnate leaves with five to seven leaflets.

Organisation of Action in Life
Clustered, compact, its action is irresistible.Combretum fruticosum
Burning bush
Large dense horizontal spikes of yellow to orange tubular flowers whose numerous long stamens create a soft brushlike appearance. A scandent shrub.

Organisation of the Being around the Psychic
The first stage of transformation.
Plumbago indica
Small pinkish red salverform flower with five rounded lobes and a thin corolla tube, set in a dark red tubular calyx covered with hairs; borne in spikelike racemes. A semi-scandent evergreen shrub.

Organised Emotional Broadening
The broadening should not be the result of an instinctive impulse but of a conscious organisation.
Sinningia speciosa
Florists' gloxinia, Gloxinia, Brazilian gloxinia, Violet slipper gloxinia
Showy medium-sized single velvety bell-shaped white flower with numerous purple dots and with a spreading limb divided into five to twelve lobes with ruffled edges; borne singly or in small clusters on long stems. A low tuberous perennial herb with broad pubescent leaves.

Organised Material Energy
Clustered, compact and methodical, it is powerful through its organisation.
Schefflera actinophylla [Brassaia actinophylla]
Australian ivy-palm, Octopus tree, Queensland umbrella tree
Tiny round dull red flowers in tight ball-like clusters studding long stalks which rise like a fountain spray above the leaves. An evergreen tree with glossy leaves.