Opening is a release of the consciousness by which it begins to admit into itself the working of the Divine Light and Power.THE MOTHER
In this yoga the whole principle is to open oneself to the Divine Influence. It is there above you and, if you can once become conscious of it, you have then to call it down into you. It descends into the mind and into the body as Peace, as a Light, as a Force that works, as the Presence of the Divine with or without form, as Ananda.SRI AUROBINDO
What you should do is to throw the doors of your being wide open to the Divine. The moment you conceal something, you step straight into Falsehood. The least suppression on your part pulls you immediately down into unconsciousness. If you want to be fully conscious, be always in front of the Truth - completely open yourself and try your utmost to let it see deep inside you, into every corner of your being. That alone will bring into you light and consciousness and all that is most true.THE MOTHER
The help is constant in all domains. It is for us to know how to benefit from it.
Small salverform flowers with five rounded separated lobes that emerge from a spiny bracted spike; in many colours. An erect occasionally spiny shrub and herb.

Mental Opening
The first step of the mind towards transformation.
Barleria prionitis
Small golden yellow salverform flower with pointed petals that emerge from a spiny bracted spike. An erect spiny subshrub.

Emotional Opening
The progress of emotions towars the Divine.
Barleria cristata
Philippine violet
Small striped white and lavender salverform flowers with five rounded separated lobes that emerge from a spiny bracted spike. An erect spiny shrub and herb.

Integral Opening of the Being to the Divine
The first step of the ascent.
Barleria cristata
Philippine violet
Small white salverform flowers with five rounded separated lobes that emerge from a spiny bracted spike. An erect spiny shrub and herb.

Opening of the Emotional Vital
One of the first step on the way to transformation.
Barleria cristata
Philippine violet
Small pink salverform flowers with five rounded separated lobes that emerge from a spiny bracted spike. An erect spiny shrub and herb.
Photo Courtesy: Senthil
Vital Opening to the Supramental Light
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Small bluish purple salverform flowers with yellow centre; with five rounded separated lobes that emerge from a spiny bracted spike. An erect spiny shrub and herb.
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Collective Emotions Open to the Divine
Crowds responding to the impulsion coming from the Divine. An event that marks the great stages of terrestrial life.
Mansoa alliacea [Pseudocalymma alliaceum]
Bejuco de ajo, Garlic-vine
Medium-sized light purple trumpet-shaped flower with a white throat, five rounded lobes and a flattened corolla tube; the flowers are borne in dense clusters and have a distinct garlic odour. A moderately vigorous vine with attractive glossy garlic-scented leaves.
Opening to Sri Aurobindo’s Force
Sri Aurobindo's help is constant. It is for us to know how to receive it.
Thunbergia kirkii
Small lavender salverform flower with a corolla divided into five squared lobes and a light yellow spot in the throat; borne singly or in pairs. A small attractive shrub with narrow almost rhomboidal leaves.

Opening to the Light
Harmonises with all that can lead towards the Light.
Thunbergia erecta
King's mantle, Bush clock vine
Medium-sized salverform flowers in lavender blue, purple and white with a bright yellow throat, a curved corolla tube and a limb divided into five rounded lobes. An erect or sometimes scandent shrub.
Opening of the Higher Vital to the Light
The vital existing only for the Divine. The vital knowing no other master than the Divine.
Thunbergia erecta
King's mantle, Bush clock vine, December flower
Medium-sized variegated lavender and white salverform flowers with a bright yellow throat, a curved corolla tube and a limb divided into five rounded lobes. An erect or sometimes scandent shrub.
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Opening of the Material Vital to the Light
One of the essential conditions for peace.
Thunbergia erecta
King's mantle
Medium-sized deep violet salverform flowers with a bright yellow throat, a curved corolla tube and a limb divided into five rounded lobes. An erect or sometimes scandent shrub.

Integral Opening to the Light
The assurance of the coming peace and joy.
Thunbergia erecta Alba
King's mantle, Bush clock vine, December flower
Medium-sized white salverform flowers with a bright yellow throat; a curved corolla tube and a limb divided into five rounded lobes. An erect or sometimes scandent shrub.
Opening of the Emotional Centre to the Light
An important event in human development.
Pandorea jasminoides
Pandora vine, Bower vine, Southern Bell
Medium-sized sweetly fragrant white salverform flower with a flattened corolla tube, five deeply cut rounded lobes and a pinkish lavender throat covered with fine hairs; borne in terminal panicles. A light vine with attractive glossy foliage.

Opening of the Vital to the Divine Love
Little by little it is no longer the ego that governs, but the Divine.
Euphorbia cyathophora
Painted leaf, Fire on the mountain, Mexican fire plant
Painted leaf, Fire on the mountain, Mexican fire plant
Terminal clusters of tiny inconspicuous flowers with yellow stamens surrounded by striking ovate to fiddle-shaped leaves and bracts that are bright red orange at the base. A gregarious annual herb.

Euphorbia pulcherrima
Poinsettia, Christmas star, Christmas flower
Large showy ovate-lanceolate floral bracts which vary from red through pink to white surrounding clusters of small round green flowers with red tops and golden yellow protuberances in the centres. A well-known striking winter-flowering shrub with milky latex.

Opening of the Physical to the Divine Love
The surest way to find happiness.
Ipomoea hederifolia
Small orange red salverform flower borne in few- to many-flowered cymes. A light annual vine with lobed leaves.
Vital Opening
The vital is ready to receive the Divine influence.
Saritaea magnifica
Clusters of fragrant medium-sized rose purple trumpet-shaped salverform flowers with five rounded lobes, a flattened corolla tube and a white throat streaked with fine parallel lines. A scandent shrub with smooth leathery obovate leaves.