Obedience is necessary so as to get away from one's own mind and vital and learn to follow the Truth.SRI AUROBINDO
In yoga obedience to the Guru or to the Divine and the law of the Truth as declared by the Guru is the foundation of discipline.SRI AUROBINDO
To learn to obey is good; to obey only the Divine is better.
Dianthus chinensis
Rainbow pink
Small single mildly fragrant rotate flowers with four to six broad slightly overlapping petals that have smooth or cut-and-fringed edges and are gathered at the base into a strong tubular green calyx; in white and shades of pink and red, sometimes variegated; borne in branching few- flowered clusters. An annual, biennial or short- lived perennial garden plant.

Detailed Obedience
The obedience to the Divine Will ought to be total.
Dianthus barbatus
Sweet William
Small single slightly fragrant rotate flowers with fringed petals in white and shades of red, purple and pink, often variegated; borne in dense corymbs. An annual, biennial or short-lived perennial.

Without reserve or hesitation, joyous obedience in every sphere to the Divine command.
Dianthus chinensis
Rainbow pink
Small double mildly fragrant rotate flowers with petals that have smooth or cut-and-fringed edges and are , gathered at the base into a strong tubular green calyx; in white and shades of pink and red, sometimes variegated; borne in branching few- flowered clusters. An annual, biennial or short- lived perennial garden plant.