We are united towards the same goal and for the same accomplishment - for a work, unique and new, that the Divine Grace has given us to accomplish. I hope that more and more you will understand the exceptional importance of this work and that you will feel in yourselves the sublime joy that the accomplishment will give you. The Divine force is with you - feel its presence more and more and be careful never to betray it. Feel, wish, act, that you may be new beings for the realisation of a new world, and for this my blessings shall always be with you.


Some give their soul to the Divine, some their life, some offer their work, some their money. A few consecrate all of themselves and all they have — soul, life, work, wealth; these are the true children of God.


Conversion of the Aim of Life from the Ego to the Divine
Instead of seeking one’s own satisfaction, to have service of the Divine as the aim of life.

Clivia miniata
Kaffir lily
Medium-sized bright orange funnelform flowers with the limb divided into six lobes, a yellow or apricot throat and exserted stamens; borne in many-flowered umbels on erect scapes. A perennial bulb with straplike leaves.

Photo Courtesy: Hedwig Storch

Life Energy

Powerful and manifold, meets all needs.

Dendranthema Xgrandiflorum [Chrysanthemum Xmorifolium]
Florists' chrysanthemum
Medium to large double compositae flowers in a variety of forms with variously shaped ray florets; in white and shades of yellow, bronze, pink, red and mauve; borne singly or in loose corymbs. A bushy perennial with aromatic leaves and flowers.

Life Energy in the Vital
Supple and resistant, it is tireless.

Dendranthema Xgrandiflorum [Chrysanthemum Xmorifolium]
Florists' chrysanthemum
Medium to large double compositae light mauve flowers in a variety of forms with variously shaped ray florets; borne singly or in loose corymbs. A bushy perennial with aromatic leaves and flowers.

Photo Courtesy: KENPEI

Purified Dynamic Life Energy
Superb, indomitable, all-powerful in its purity.

Dendranthema Xgrandiflorum [Chrysanthemum Xmorifolium]
Florists' chrysanthemum
Medium to large double compositae white flowers in a variety of forms with variously shaped ray florets; borne singly or in loose corymbs. A bushy perennial with aromatic leaves and flowers.

Photo Courtesy: Mshades

Supramentalised Life Energy
Manifold and supple, it has an immortal resistance.

Dendranthema Xgrandiflorum [Chrysanthemum Xmorifolium]
Florists' chrysanthemum
Medium to large double compositae orange yellow flowers in a variety of forms with variously shaped ray florets; borne singly or in loose corymbs. A bushy perennial with aromatic leaves and flowers.

Photo Courtesy: Fanghong

Life Energy in the Material

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Dendranthema Xgrandiflorum [Chrysanthemum Xmorifolium]
Florists' chrysanthemum
Medium to large double compositae golden red flowers in a variety of forms with variously shaped ray florets; borne singly or in loose corymbs. A bushy perennial with aromatic leaves and flowers.
Photo Courtesy: Jespis

Organisation of Action in Life
Clustered, compact, its action is irresistible.

Combretum fruticosum
Burning bush
Large dense horizontal spikes of yellow to orange tubular flowers whose numerous long stamens create a soft brushlike appearance. A scandent shrub.

Photo Courtesy: Tony

Splendour and Opulence in the Material Life
Can become widespread only through transformation.

Quassia amara
Bitterwood, Surinam quassia
Medium-sized glowing scarlet tubular flower with yellow anthers that protrude beyond the petals; borne in racemes. A shrub or small tree with uniquely shaped leaves; new leaves are glossy copper red.

Photo Courtesy: Joel Abroad

To Live Only For the Divine
This means to have overcome all the difficulties of the individual life.

Myrtus communis
Myrtle, Greek myrtle, Swedish myrtle
Small very fragrant pure white flower with four spreading rounded petals and a central tuft of delicate stamens; borne singly or in few-flowered cymes. An evergreen shrub with dark green glossy leaves that have a spicy fragrance when bruised.

Photo Courtesy: Forest & Kim Starr

Will Manifested in Life
Concentrated and precise.

Episcia cupreata
Flame violet
Bright coral pink flower with a yellow throat and petals with fringed edges; horizontal corolla tube and a limb divided into five rounded oblique lobes; borne singly or in pairs. A creeping perennial herb dark greenish brown leaves and with olive green midribs.

Photo Courtesy: Chrischang

Vital Will Manifested in Life
It is often the cause of greatest disorders.

Episcia reptans
Flame violet, Red violet, Scarlet violet
Small intense orange red salverform flower with a horizontal corolla tube and a limb divided into five rounded oblique lobes; borne singly or in pairs. A creeping perennial herb that has heavily embossed green leaves with silvery green midribs and veins.