At the centre of every cell lies the Divine Consciousness. By aspiration and repeated self-giving, the cells must be made transparent.

Peace can be brought down into the physical­ its very cells. It is the active transformation of physical that cannot be completely done without the supramental descent.

There comes a moment when the body itself finds that there is nothing in the world which is so worth living for as this transformation, that there is nothing which can have as great an interest as this passionate interest of transformation. It is as though all the cells of the body were athirst for this Light which wants to manifest; they cry out for it, they find an intense joy in it and they are sure of the Victory.

The cells of the body thirst for the Divine Consciousness and when they are brought into contact with It their aspiration becomes very intense.

Attachment of the Cells to the Divine
They know how to expect everything from Him and to rely only on Him.

Epidendrum X obrienianum
Scarlet orchid, Butterfly orchid, Baby orchid
Numerous small deep red star-shaped flowers that have a prominent uniquely shaped fringed lip with a golden yellow spot; borne in terminal clusters on long stems. A tall slender epiphytic orchid.

Photo Courtesy: Halley Pacheco

Peace in the Cells

The indispensable condition for the body’s progress.

Ixora thwaitesii
White ixora
Small fragrant white salverform flower with a starlike limb divided into four curled narrow lobes; borne in dense corymbs. A tall glossy- leaved shrub that produces numerous root suckers.

Photo Courtesy: Himanshu Sarpotdar

Radiating Peace in the Cells
A happy contagion.

Pavetta indica
Tiny fragrant white salverform flowers with four petal-like lobes, a narrow green corolla tube and an exserted style; borne in cymes. A shrub or small tree.

Photo Courtesy: Himanshu Sarpotdar

Supramental Influence in the Cells
Unexpected variety in colours and qualities.

Shrub verbena
Tiny multicoloured and often changeable shades of red, orange, gold and lavender salverform flowers in round compact axillary or terminal heads. A vigorous shrub with coarse strongly scented leaves and a long blooming season.

Photo Courtesy: Nemo's great Uncle

Emotional Beauty in the Cells
Seeking and radiating all the emotions of beauty.

Shrub verbena
Tiny mauve salverform flowers in round compact axillary or terminal heads. A vigorous shrub with coarse strongly scented leaves and a long blooming season.

Light in the Cells
The first step towards purity in the cells.

Shrub verbena
Tiny yellow salverform flowers in round compact axillary or terminal heads. A vigorous shrub with coarse strongly scented leaves and a long blooming season.

Photo Courtesy: Nemo's great Uncle

Purity in the Cells
Can only be obtained through the conquest of desires; the true condition for good health.

Shrub verbena
Tiny white salverform flowers in round compact axillary or terminal heads. A vigorous shrub with coarse strongly scented leaves and a long blooming season.

Photo Courtesy: Dinesh Valke