Disinterested work is work done with no other motive than that of doing as well as possible the Divine's work.

Disinterested Work Done for the Divine
The surest way to progress.

Crinum lily, Spider lily, Swamp lily
Large fragrant white salverform flower with six narrow or broad partly recurved lobes, a long narrow green tube and prominent reddish-purple stamens; borne in umbels on long scapes. A large bulbous plant with straplike leaves.

Photo Courtesy: Jen

Disinterested Work Done for the Divine in the Vital
Calm and powerful, it reaches its goal.

Crinum lily, Spider lily
Very large white salverform flower with long tapering fleshy recurved petal-like lobes, whitish above and reddish purple beneath, and six long erect reddish purple stamens; borne in umbels on long scapes. A bulbous plant with straplike leaves.

Photo Courtesy: Nipplerings72