To Know How to Listen

To be attentive and silent.

Podranea ricasoliana
Medium-sized light pink to lavender pink salverform flower with a wide limb divided into five rounded wavy-edged lobes and a cream white throat covered with fine hairs and veined in deep pink; borne in large terminal panicles. A medium-sized vine with decorative glossy deep green compound leaves.

Photo Courtesy: Forest & Kim Starr

To know what has to be Said

Neither too many words nor too few - just what is needed.

Alpinia galanga
Siamese ginger, Galangal
Small white tubular flower with a large prominent cream white lip heavily striped with maroon red; borne on short dense panicles. A tall rhizomatous perennial herb with leaves and stems that give off a fragrance when bruised.

Picture Courtesy: Dinesh Valke

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